Sunday, May 23, 2004


Cruel Summer Update

Pretty much everyone in politics or PR knows that when bad news breaks, you want to get the whole story out and move on. Dribbling it out in little bits only give it more life. Campaigns make great use of such blunders through opposition research. Joushua Green presents a chilling and enlightening story on this in the current Atlantic Monthly.

But, as you the reader heard here first, Bush is set for a cruel summer. Elephant speculated that the ongoing investigations on the prisoner abuse scandal and 9/11 would call the Administrations coddling of the CIA's George Tennet into question. Well it turns out that Tennet and company appear to have withheld over 2,000 pages of information from the Senate during its investigation of Abu Grahbi.,9171,1101040531-641078,00.html

A sure way to keep this horrible story in the papers. Good job guys! As I said before...drip, drip, drip.

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