Saturday, October 30, 2004


Will the GOP Overplay Their Hand on OBL?

Yes, Yes They Will

The TV's a buzzing with the impact of OBL on the election. I say it should hurt Bush, after all he's the one who said he is not a big deal and doesn't think about him much. But the tape poses a certain risk for the Bush administration that the media, as always, is overlooking. First and foremost, the fact that OBL is still alive is proof positive of the abject failure of Bush's War on Terrorism. We've spent a quarter of a trillion dollars on the Iraq war, which the Bushies keep saying is related to the broader war on terror, we've lost 1,000 fine young men and women and boom, there's OBL on everyone's TV. I think it causes a little dissonance, don't you? How much can BC04 hype this without most of us realizing that the Iraqi diversion is part in parcel as to why this evil zealot is still out there?

Need more evidence that BC04 will overplay their hand on this...just check this out...

A senior GOP strategist added, "anything that makes people nervous about their personal safety helps Bush."

He called it "a little gift," saying it helps the President but doesn't guarantee his reelection.

A little nice. But when I saw OBL on tv my thoughts were that he'd be in some gawd-awful U.S. prison by now if it weren't for Bush's foray into Iraq. I was mad that I even had to look at him. I'm sure others will be too.

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