Monday, March 06, 2006


Alive and Kicking

Sort of...

Well, I don't know if you noticed on the news over on the mainland...but the past 10 days or so have been very interesting here in Hawaii. Record rainfall for days on fact, it rained pretty much non-stop from the day after I arrived, until about two days before I was supposed to leave. Of course the rain was only in Ohau and Kauaii, the two islands I visited. Sigh! But is gets soo much better, and I promise to share late this week perhaps, too much to talk about to write while sitting in the World Perks lounge.

Here's some teasers...

Waikiki Saturday morning, February 25th, 2006. Went for a long walk before my workday began, little did I know it would be the last I would see the sun for over a week.

A shot of the Na Pali Coast in Kauaii as part of my two hour helicopter tour..oh yeah..the helicopter had not doors!

There is soo much more to tell too...But you've got to figure that even if you fly all the way to Hawaii, have it rain for like 80% of your visit, become deathly ill (seriously!), and you still leave happy, I think you can safely claim you got your monies worth. I did!

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