Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Strike A Pose

Polling data seems to indicate the immediate response to the President's address to be more of the same, you like him or ya don't. But it was surprising how swift the reactions from all quarters were. Iraq's governing council wants more authority, France and Russia remain standoffish (although Bush did call Chirac which is good) and Senator Clinton called for expanding the army. Odd times indeed. It will be interesting to see how the posing and jockey-ing for position by all the players pans out.


You're comments were much missed on Tuesday, welcome back! Senator Clinton is playing a smart game in the Senate and I think your thoughts there are on the money, she's kept her head down, voted in a centrist, new democrat vien and set herself up as a hawk. She's far smarter than "Bubba" and it wouldn't surprise me if she was our first female president.

I think world view does in part drive leaderships, but in my experience even the clearest world-view is sometimes clouded by political considerations and that's where trouble arrises. I do think the President gets it in terms of this being a "War" on terrorism.

You and I do have very different views, but I'm guessing we share many as well. We obviously write posts about stuff the bugs us or is of interest, so that limits discussion. But isn't that what it's all about and isn't it on some level kinda fun?
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