Thursday, September 02, 2004


All Hail Grand Wizard Miller

Business as Usual

I've worked in DC long enough to understand the role of conventions in delivering red meat to the party faithful. But with all the comparisons of Bush to Reagan, I find it very illustrative of the current state of the GOP how different the delivery of the message is. The Gipper would have delivered a speech that was uplifting, positive and gently, but effectively poked fun at the opposition. One that, in his words, "Played upon our highest hopes, not our deepest fears." But last nights speech by Zell "Hellfire" Miller was the reddest of red meat speeches. In fact, the whole time I was watching it, I kept thinking how much more effective it would have been had Zell been wearing his white sheets and standing before a row of burning crosses. (Wink!)....

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