Saturday, October 23, 2004


The View from the Heartland

If You Can't Keep 'em Happy in Grand Rapids?

Well, Elephant is in Grand Rapids and the flight here was enlightening. On the flight I started talking to my seat mates about the election. They all expressed deep skepticism about the 'leadership' of George Bush over the last four years and shared some of my concerns about his lack of attention to Republican core values...most notably fiscal restraint. What was interesting is that folks seemed to be pretty interested in sharing their views and the row in front of us even joined the conversation. It was a positive discussion between a group of citizen's who had differing views on the best fit for President. No shrill talking points, but rather, heartfelt concerns and commentary. Although some still support Bush, there was a consensus that Kerry couldn't be worse and my in fact be better on spending and Iraq.

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