Friday, April 15, 2005


Weekend Reading

Tulip-mania edition

Well, it's springtime here in DC in a major way. The Nationals won their home opener, the Cherry blossoms are out and the tulips I planted last fall are in full bloom. After months of hanging out indoors, it's time to go out into the world and enjoy...but first do your weekend reading...

China's People Problem
Problems recruiting and retaining workers, particularly skilled ones, are raising the cost of doing business in China.

October 1, 1968: Filibuster Derails Supreme Court Appointment
In June 1968, Chief Justice Earl Warren informed President Lyndon Johnson that he planned to retire from the Supreme Court. Concern that Richard Nixon might win the presidency later that year and get to choose his successor dictated Warren's timing.

Law Trumps Life
How the Right went wrong in the Schiavo case: Life is not the ultimate public value for most Americans. Law is.

Tulip Bulb Mania
Could a mere tulip bulb be worth $76,000? It is if people are willing to pay for it! It may sound preposterous, but this is exactly what happened in Holland in the 1630’s.

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