Friday, July 15, 2005


Blah, Blah, Blah

Nothing New on Rove Thing...Yet

Despite all the talking heads, the verbal gymnastics of folks like Sean Hannity, Norm Coleman and others in defense of La Rove, it's all pretty much been the equivalent of jazz hands. The reams of talking points released this week have been little more than throwing a bunch of excuses or motives at the wall to see what sticks.

It reminds me of the time I was watching my friends dog Alice. Alice was staying over at my apartment and as I was walking her down the stairs (it was a 3rd floor walk up), I noticed that my landlord was on the main landing fixing something or another. I never asked my landlord if I could have a dog over at the house, even on a temporary basis. I liked my landlord and more importantly, I liked my large 1br apartment (with a park view) in a fashionable neighborhood for which I paid the bargain sum of $850/month. My neighbor at the time..Oprah had a cat that she would let roam the public hallway of the row house, and recently said cat had pooped in the hall.

"That's it!" I said to myself. "If she says anything, I'll just come back with...'Oh Yeah?! Well Oprah's cat pooped in the hall!" That, would hopefully deflect her concern.

That's what we're getting from the Republicans this week. No blanket denials that Rove leaked the name (which is telling), but rather a chorus of "[Insert name]'s cat pooped in the Hall." Whether it is the fact that Wilson donated money to the Kerry Campaign (which would be understandable if Bush and Co. leaked his wife's name) or that he's having a press conference with some Democratic Senator nearby, or Barbara Boxer has said something to support him. All cat poop, jazz hands or whatever. Telling us a lot, mostly by what's not being discussed.

The only new and interesting development seems to be that after failing all week with the counter attacks, it's now looking like La Rove and his allies are looking to scapegoat this issue on Robert Novak. Novak is many things (old, arrogant, a representation of all that is wrong with the media) but he is not stupid and is probably now quietly gathering his information to hang La Rove out to dry if they try to pigeon hole him on this issue.

At the very least, it gives us something to talk about.

Rove Got CIA Agent ID From Media

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