Sunday, August 22, 2004


Elephant on the Move Update!

Hey all,

I'm sitting in what was once my bedroom. Just me and the computer and some dust bunnies. I'm feeling kind of wistful at leaving my flat after five memorable years. It's a great place, a third floor walk up that looks into Rock Creek Park. Don't know many folks who can say thier apartment looks out over a national park. But the saddest thing for me was taking down my dining room table, the place where I studied for the Bar Exam. After work each day, and a four hour bar review class, I'd get home at 10:00 PM and sit down and stuying until about 3:00 AM, every day for three months. I studied so much I'd start halucinating. Sounds hellish, but looking back on all the rewards for my efforts, it's actually a fond memory.

The movers arrive tomorrow at 9:00 AM to pick up my boxes and move me to my new digs. About 5 times the space I have now and a big yard to boot! Better yet, I'm still in the city and can walk to the Metro station. Posting will be light this week as I don't know when my cable will be turned on at the new place, but please be patient and check in from time to time. I installed an airport extreme card and just picked up an airport express, so I can always go to the coffee shop to write posts.

So, that's where things stand at the moment.


perfect ;)
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