Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Weekend Reading

Ok, with readership up, I hate to have to take a day off, but Friday will be totally crazy for the Elephant. His folks are in town and he'll be closing on a house. So between slogging from monument to monument through the humidity and then racing off to sign my name 500 times, I'm guessing that I won't have much time for writing. So, your weekend reading comes early this week. Enjoy.

Saudi Propaganda

As I mentioned earlier this week, a friend of mine (G. Gatsby) works for the company that's producing these ads. Check them out at the Saudi Embassy Website. Especially interesting is the "Shared Values" ad. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure many of the Saudi people are kind and generous like my Arab American friends, but talk about soft peddling. First off, notice how the add does not show any adult women. Why? Because as a general rule, they are shrouded in black burka like dresses and have a marginal role in Saudi Society. They can't drive, vote (neither can men), or leave the house without their husband. The cute young girls frolicking on the beach can look forward to that kind of future. Many of these practices are dogmatic proclamations of Wahabists that are supported by the Saudi Royals. Funny thing is though that the Saudi Royals shed these traditions with their jet set ways, flying off to New York, Paris and London to engage in freedoms enjoyed by us infidels.

Shared Values? What Shared Values?

Sit and Spin: A Brief History of the Revolving Restaurant

I know, they're so "Towering inferno," but I've been looking for some history on revolving restaurants since getting back from Atlanta where I attended a cocktail party atop the Peachtree Westin in their revolving restaurant. They may be cheesey, but they are a hell of a lot of fun.

Patrick J. Buchanan -- N.J. governor changes the subject

A democratic governor admits he's gay and hired one of his lovers, you'd think that this would be Pat Buchanan's (pardon my phraseology here) wet dream. But reading this article I'm impressed by two things, first is that McGreevey's apparent homosexuality appears to be a non-issue for Mr. Buchanan and second Buchanan sees this 'scandal' for what it is. I don't often agree with Mr. Buchanan, but it is shocking that the man who delivered the famous "Culture War" speech at the 1992 GOP Convention can write an article that focuses on the real issues in NJ rather than capitalizing on the gay fearmongering that is so rampant in my party. Good job Pat!

The Secret of Photo 51: Rosilind Franklin and the Structure of DNA

I read an interesting article several years ago talking about the contributions of Dr. Rosalind Franklin to the discovery of the structure of DNA and how Watson and Crick basically stole her data then downplayed her work in their claimed discovery of the double helix. An interesting story of a strong woman and a fascinating scientist and a story that paints Watson and Crick in a very unflattering light.

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