Friday, October 08, 2004


In The Begining

Well, they've started. And my thoughts are....

First, when did it become Charles Gibson instead of Charlie?

Will there be an immunity challenge?

It seems unfair that they're gonna turn off the questioner's mikes...I mean would we all like to lay into both of these guys?

OH! They're coming on stage!

They're wearing the wrong color ties! Republican's are red, Democrats are blue!

First Question to Kerry:

Cheryl Otis: "You're too wishy washy!"

Kerry: Good, gracious start. And now turning the tables on Bush. Good go on the attack cause Bush will do the same. Mentiones local issues, how St. Louis is getting $100,000,000 short on No Child Left Behind. What! No Herbert Hoover direct reference. I need Hoover, Hoover, Hoover! Tax cut bitching. Could have attacked Bush on 9/11 Commission, Homeland Security, WMD.

Bush: Thanks, (seems very comfortable). Bush is hitting back hard. I don't know if it's effective but the Dean catalyst arguement is a good counter. Bush seems to be better than the last debate, a little more relaxed, but still stalling.

Question two:

Robyn Dahl (A guy! Hey where's Batman!): Ohhh! A No WMD Question! Hurray. Great question!

Bush: Each situation is different. Bush seems relaxed. But now Bush is talking about 'threats' when it is even more evident that Iraq wasn't a threat. He's not talking about Iraq, oh now he is....Bush is passionate, but I'm not sure he's answering the question. Bush was passionate, but doesn't seem to have delivered

Kerry: Killing two birds with one stone (Robyn Joke!). Kerry staring with the economy. Kerry's mastered that local stats, Bush has yet to talk about Missouri. Kerry is being astute and firm, "I never changed my position". (well I don't think that's true), but he seems just as passiontate. Bush isn't looking too petulant.

Bush Response: Global Test....Kerry the internationalist. Kerry's smiling like a the trap set. Bush was too short.

Kerry: The Dulfer report! Diplomacy did work. Ouch! Also seemed too short.

Question III: Anthony Baldy- Iraqi Withdrawl. (Note: Anthony is not Bald, repeat not Bald!)

Kerry: No, wouldn't follow the same path in Iraq as Bush. Mentioning republican critics...good. Hagel! I love Hagel and Lugar too, good moderates. Kerry is very animated and seems comfortable too. Basically Better, faster, cheaper

Bush: Finance Minister of Iraq came to see him. Tyranny to elections. Iraqis love to be free (so do butterflies)...Hmmm...this seems like an "everything is fine" arguement. I don't think that works. Bush is staying on the "wrong place, wrong war, wrong time" or whatever which is good, but we need to know Bush's plan....Oops he can't say Silvio Berlesconni (sp). Bush needs to go one step further.

Kerry: Afiganistan is right war. Kill the wimp factor.

Bush: Kerry thought he had weapons too! (Yes, but Kerry didn't invade Iraq)....Bush is very passionate on these issues and as a result is more articulate than usual.

Question IV:

Nikki Washington: Anti Americanism....What is Bush's plan to repair relationships.

Bush: Bush loves the U.S.A. People don't get us. People didn't like Regan. (Bush you're no Regan)....Though decisions are unpopular. I made the decisions to protect America (good) Arafat...get back to the message.....I need more than a laundry list of Bush's decisions. But bottom line is he's not afraid of making tough decisions that are unpopular. Should go after Kerry...focus on criminal court was too abstract for most of us.

Kerry: Bush=more of the same. Kerry again does a local reference. Mentions Bush's support in 2000 of the Powell Doctrine! Great blow....ouch!


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