Thursday, June 16, 2005


Revenge of the Permit Office

They may go nuclear

Ok, I've decided to put off building my shed until fall, mostly because the weather here has been oppressively hot. As you know, I've been complaining about the drudgery of trying to get a shed permit from the district government. Yesterday I found out the things may be getting much worse in my neighborhood. The city is considering designating DC's Brookland area as a historic preservation district. Dear Lord! Not only would I still have to go through a permit process for just about any improvements to my property, but those applications would then have to go to a historic preservation board for approval. Yuck!

I don't know if this is a trade off I'm willing to make. A historic district designation could add some cachet to the area, but would most certainly create a nightmare of red tape.

Alas. But here's some more about the history of "Brookland" for your enjoyment:

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