Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Evacuees Arrive in DC

Elephant, Colleagues Step up

Well, 295 evacuees have arrived in Washington, DC to be housed and helped until some vague future date when we have a grip on this whole no-more-New Orleans thing. I've stepped up to help the folks with any insurance claims, FEMA paper work and such. It will be a good way to channel the energy that all this rage against government incompetence seems to create.

Of course the clincher in this, is that the evacuees were told by FEMA they were being moved to Texas, only to find themselves in DC. Figures....

I'm told that the DC Shelter is in need of volunteers. If you are interested please email shelter director Lori Tompson at and CC in Steve Wollek at
Please provide them with the following information:

1. Name
2. Best Telephone Number to Reach you (specify if the number is work/cell/home)
3. Days that you are available
4. Send the specific dates that you can assist
5. If you can work a partial shift, this is great
6. What you would like to do (Mass Care, Family Services, etc..)

I've already been communicating with Lori, so this is legit and they really need the help.

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