Sunday, August 22, 2004


Running on his Record

Potempkin Village Update: Republicans Promise Specifics at GOP Convention

I say great! I've been hoping all along that a competitive race would put the focus back on the important issues like wasteful spending, the deficit, jobs, healthcare and such. I don't care about what Bush or Kerry did 30 years ago, it was a troubled time and frankly I don't know what I would have done during Vietnam if I'd been called to serve.

But what concerns me is that it looks like the convention will pay lip service to the important issues and try to downplay the GOP's stand on divisive issues like gay marriage, flag burning, the Patriot Act and such. The speakers will be a line up of the Elephant's favorites; Arnold, John McCain, Rudy! and others, but these are the people the party is ignoring and marginalizing. It'll be nice if the convention focuses on the future and takes a positive tone, it will help Bush, but they should put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.


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