Friday, October 15, 2004


Should I Rethink This Outsourcing Thing?

Outsourcing the lawyers
Add attorney to the growing list of white-collar jobs being shipped overseas. How far will it go? that a giant sucking sound I hear? No, seriously, the one good thing I found about being a lawyer is that during my 18 months of unemployment (Gotta love that Bush economic miracle) I was still able to pay the bills and live fairly well doing temp attorney work. At the time my colleagues and I bitched about the 'sweatshop' conditions. (e.g. - Fifty lawyers, one bathroom!, or the time we all had to work in temporary office space that was infested with fleas!) But maybe we spoke too soon....

Looks like if I'm ever in that position again, I may have to sign up as a Wal-Mart greeter.

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