Thursday, October 14, 2004


Blogger Score Card

From the Left, Middle and Other Directions

Wonkette: She doesn't care, she's just funny

Kerry is all about killing terrorists. Hunting and KILLING. But will he torture them? Will he rip off their heads and shit down their necks? I just don't think he's sincere.

Bush likes black people just fine. Also, education is good. And, wait: EDUCATION FOR BLACK PEOPLE. . . is okay, too. Unless they have guns. Educated guns are bad.

Politics 1: Tie

THE THIRD DEBATE: Actually, I thought it was rather a yawner. Bush and Kerry both played it very safe. Each man came prepared with their memorized attack sound bites and poorly delivered jokes (and generally unfunny ones at that).

Matthew Yglesias Kerry wins

Kerry 52, Bush 39
That's CNN's quick poll response. A clear win for John Kerry. The reason, I think, is that even though both sides won some rounds, Kerry won the important rounds, on health care and jobs.

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