Thursday, October 14, 2004


Electoral Challenge 2004!

Enter and win!

Ok, since baseball season's winding down and the Redskins are just awful, what better way to spend the next few weeks before the election than with the Elephant's Electoral Challenge 2004! Looking for the person who comes closest in predicting the final electoral outcome the U.S. Presidential election. The winner will receive a nice prize or nominal value...Maybe a Washington Monument thermometer or other tacky-DC touristy item.

Here's the ground rules:

1) Post, on the comments page your electoral breakdown for the presidential race. This should include a final electoral vote count as well as a break out by states for each candidate.
2) Also, the tie break question is: "What is the final breakdown of parties in the Senate - Rep. v. Dem. (Note: Depending on LA, this may not be decided on Nov. 2nd. ) Postings must be made no later than Friday, October 29th.

Understand? Ready! Now Bring it on!

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