Friday, October 15, 2004


Weekend Reading:

Puppets on a String Edition

Puppet Government

If you're not convinced the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States changed everything, ask yourself this: If anybody had told you on September 10 that the talk of early-21st-century Hollywood was going to be an action feature film in which marionettes play celebrities and world leaders, would you have believed it?

Frontline: The Choice

On November 2nd, Americans will vote in the first wartime election since Vietnam. Like that earlier war, the war in Iraq has exposed deep divisions in how Americans see this country and its place in the world. It has also exposed major differences between the two candidates, George W. Bush and John F. Kerry.

RIAA Takes a Body Blow

The Supreme Court handed Internet services providers and privacy advocates a crucial victory yesterday when it decided to pass on an important Internet piracy case.

Inner Circle No More?
Paul Bremer’s remarks on Iraq came as an unwelcome surprise to the White House

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