Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Federal Judges: The New Gays

DeLay criticizes Supreme Court Justice

Seems that the GOP can't do anything right. Tom Delay is out attacking Reagan appointed justice Anthony Kennedy for allegedly 'relying on international law' in his majority opinion to ban the death penalty for minors. (Remember a few weeks ago, Delay was all over this Schiavo thing because of the Sanctity of Life....ahh moral clarity!)...Anyway, I think Delay is full of it. I've downloaded a copy of the court's decision (The case is ROPER, SUPERINTENDENT, POTOSI CORRECTIONAL CENTER v. SIMMONS) and can be found here:

A cursory scan of the case seems to indicate that Justice Kennedy relied primarily on a host of State court precedents as well as the 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for his opinion. I'll print it out and write a summary for tommorrow's postings. But remember, Delay is fighting to retain his post as Majority Leader...and it's always a good strategy to create a crisis to distract attention.

Seems to me that Judges are the Gays of 2005. Kill, ban em', burn em'....

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