Friday, May 20, 2005


Weekend Reading

That Rainy Day Is Here Edition

Maybe I should have saved those leftover dreams, 'cause here's that rainy day. Ok maybe not...after a two week run of excellent weather, it's a little rainy here today...thus this weeks theme.

Armageddon for the Senate
THIS week the Senate embarked on an epic struggle over the appointment of George Bush's nominees to the federal bench. The struggle will determine not only Mr Bush's ability to reshape the judiciary along more conservative lines, but also the balance of power in Washington, DC, between the Republicans and Democrats and, just possibly, the future of such controversial issues as abortion and the role of religion in public life.

Inside America's Most Powerful Megachurch (A Must Read!)
[Want to see insights into our possible future if First succeeds with the Nuclear Option, read this. These folks are the ones pushing the nuclear button and advising the President on future court nominees- Elephant]

Feeling the Hate with the National Religious Broadcasters (Another Must Read)
This article is a companion piece to the one above. Again, these are the folks who are guiding the afraid....

College ad to protest Bush visit
Before I paint all evangelicals with a broad brush, let me direct you to this article. Calvin College is up in arms about Bush speaking at graduation. Grand Rapids is not liberal enclave, nor is Calvin, both are very God centered communities with mega churches and such. This should be a place where they lay palm branches for Bush's arrival. But it's not! Let's try to remember that James Dobson/Pat Robertson and the like are about as representative of the diversity within the evangelical movement as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharton are of African Americans.

Red Cross warned U.S. over Quran
Hmm...very interesting. Maybe Newsweek was on to something. At the very least they came closer to the truth than the Administration did on WMD....

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