Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Elephant in Exile: May, 2004 - September, 2006

Goodbye, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight!

As they say, it’s been real. Blogging has been a nice little creative outlet the past two plus years. But if you haven’t noticed, my interest in blogging has been waning. We all seem to be on the same page on the promise and failure of the Bush administration, the GOP majority and hang on the eve of an election where we can throw the bums out. Of course we then wake up to what will likely be an equally inept Democratic majority in the house. The political circle of life if you will.

Why stop now?

Well, on the eve of my 37th birthday, I’m falling into a heavy introspective state, but it’s. all good. I’ve been reflecting on my success and happiness here in DC and taking time out to figure out what the next steps will be. It’s exciting, but labor intensive, so EIE will be put on the shelf indefinitely. As when I started this little blog, the exciting part of my new project is the infinite possibilities that await.

Thanks for reading and as we say back in the Midwest – C-Ya!

I’ll leave EIE up for a while, and if I start a new project, I’ll let you know right here…but don’t expect anything until 2007! Have a great fall! C-Ya - again!

That makes me sad! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and always looked forward to seeing what was next. Ahhh, the seasons change!! I will miss EIE!
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