Friday, June 30, 2006


Future Shock!

The 21st Century is so Disappointing!

Was anyone else forced to watch the movie version of the 70's book Future Shock! It was kind of a Reefer Madness for social conservatives. Anyway, they predicted that many trend, that even hipsters back in the 1970s would find "Shocking" would emerge by the end of the century. I do think they talked a lot about the gays (socail conservatives always do...ah-hem...) and may have actually foreseen the whole gay marriage movement..anyway that's beside the was a wonderfully cheesy movie. It just reminded me how disappointing the actual future is...

I mean by this time, I thought for sure life would be more like this....

Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Space Craftmatic..

I like the mirrors so I don't have to move my head to see the TV...


A Solution for the GOP/NYT Spat..

From China!

Funny, if you listen closely to the Administration you can probably hear many of the same arguments used by the Chinese here....



NYT Treason?

Geesh...things in DC continue down that ugly, inept path. The GOP majority is continuing to demagogue anything they can get their hands on, mostly to deflect attention from their terrible stewardship of the country the past five years.

The latest flap over the NYT story on the government access of financial data...big deal...we are a democracy, openness is not the enemy and neither is the New York Times...and besides do you really think anyone believes the government isn't doing this stuff, even if it isn't supposed two.

Reason for Exile #467...The GOP making me choose between their ineptness and the insufferable NYTs...

Monday, June 26, 2006



We're all wet...

Six to seven inches of rain last night...looking outside it was as if the entire city was under a fire hose. Of course with that much rain water in one's basement is perhaps inevitable...or inevitable when your foundation is close to 100 years old... about 1/4 inch of water in my furnace room with a little bit of seepage under the carpeted area....

At one point it was raining so hard it was coming through under the door...


Friday, June 23, 2006


Indict Hastert Now

From Affable Coach, to Corrupt Fat Cat Insider...

During my tenure on the Hill, Hastert was fresh into his role as speaker..having suceeded after Congressmen Livingston of LA resigned after a few minutes in the chair after copping to an affiar..Anyway, for a few years he embodied all the things that were good and exciting about the so-called GOP revolution. In fact for a while he really had my sympathy as Dick Armey and Tom Delay usually manuevered to undermine him. Anyway, that's back when policy doesn't's all about retaining power, supporting the dogma and enriching oneself....Just like the corrupt fat cat dems back on election eve in the early 1990s.

Anyway, spening more of our money to help enrich wonder he's choosing to stand by Congressman Jefferson.


The Line Item Veto...

Is it like training wheels or something?

Much is being made by the President and some Republicans about the need to give the President the line item veto. Disregard the fact that they did give the President this power some ten years ago and it was struck down as unconstitutional. The whole thing just boggles my mind though....I mean why does this president need the line item veto when he already has the regular one he refuses to use? Is it too big for him? Is the line item veto like a veto with training wheels or something?

Just askin'


The Grapevine...


Have I mentioned what a pain in the neck it has been dealing with the White House the past five years? Unlike past administrations, the current administration calls in representatives from big groups around town (e.g.-the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NFIB, AARP, etc) on various issues and tells them what the administration will be doing and then demands the full support and cooperation of these groups. In my experience with previous regimes it was a more collaborative - Hey AARP what sort of prescription drug program do you all think seniors might want? Perhaps that is why so few of the administrations proposals (even the few good ones) have gotten through congress.

Anyway, Donkey had lunch today with a semi-senior political appointee who's recently left the administration...word is that all these high flying appointees are getting the cold shoulder from local trade associations, lobbying shops and law firms as they look for their next career move...

What comes around goes around I guess....


The Grapevine...


Have I mentioned what a pain in the neck it has been dealing with the White House the past five years? Unlike past administrations, the current administration calls in representatives from big groups around town (e.g.-the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NFIB, AARP, etc) on various issues and tells them what the administration will be doing and then demands the full support and cooperation of these groups. In my experience with previous regimes it was a more collaborative - Hey AARP what sort of prescription drug program do you all think seniors might want? Perhaps that is why so few of the administrations proposals (even the few good ones) have gotten through congress.

Anyway, Donkey had lunch today with a semi-senior political appointee who's recently left the administration...word is that all these high flying appointees are getting the cold shoulder from local trade associations, lobbying shops and law firms as they look for their next career move...

What comes around goes around I guess....

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Nerd Alert!

I soo want to be his friend...

Pass me some quarters...


Hey, What Happened to that Veto?

Promises, Promises...

Wasn't he supposed to veto the supplemental if it was over $92 billion?

Granted, the bill passed the Senate by a staggering 98-1 and was only $2 billion over the President's request...but come on...Bush is supposed to be a man of conviction...I suppose he is, but his conviction is that of spend, spend, spend...

And Alren Specter the only no vote?!


Perhaps We Should Amend the Constitution!

Premarital education could cut divorce rate, survey finds

If this helps preserve traditional marriage, and allows children to have a mother and a should be mandatory and required under the U.S. Consitution...


The "Death Tax" Repeal: House Votes Again...

I Support the Estate Tax...

The House is making another attempt to repeal the estate tax, that most of us don't pay (and contrary to the rhetoric, most family farmers don't pay)....When I was on the Hill I never heard a convincing argument (other than lowering taxes is generally good) to repeal this tax. Regardless, there are better taxes to repeal for the capitol gains, etc. So, I'm firmly opposed to eliminating the estate tax...Why?

Two words...Paris Hilton.


WMD Found in Iraq

Or maybe not...

Santorum says definitely, Hoekstra says maybe....State Deparment says no (or so sayeth the lefties at think progress).

Elephant says, "Watching Collin Powell talk to the security council, you'd have thought there was WMD laying around like so many porkbarell projects on an appropriations bill...It was supposed to be a 'slam dunk', a memo is not a slam dunk"

(Note to Hoekstra - Never follow Rick Santorum's lead on anything please....)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006



I'm really getting tired of hearing about this...

What the? What country am I living in? I keep hearing stories about secret monitoring rooms being set up around the country by the feds. I'm telling you people, nothing good can come of this.


There Oughta Be A Word

There oughta be a word for finding a song you didn't know you had on your iPod. A delicious, fun song that makes walking to get your allergy shot fun. Happened to me yesterday when I discovered Fionia Apple's "Criminal" on my iPod.


Alive and Kickin'

Tired of Shouting...

How long can elephant complain about the current state of affiars here in DC? It seems just under two years before I get tired of the shouting and all the "Oh no you didn't" of the blogoshpere. So, I've taken a bit of respite to do other projects, yard work and simply enjoy the unseasonably nice weather we've been having in DC (until this week it's been in the mid-70s...very Santa Monica-ish)...Anyway, I'm fine...better than fine, incase you were concered.

Both my Pa and Ma and my little bro have been out to visit and in each case had a great time catching a Nationals game...big fun. Working with a landscaper on a master plan for my back yard ala Landscapers challenge...and generally keeping up with maintenance issues on my house - the latest of which is having to perform some scheduled maintenance on the house's cedar facase...So, in short, I'm living large outside the blog and enjoying it...

Politically I couldn't careless about what's happening here in DC (expect for where I have to for my job). The republican leadership is a joke, President Bush is too and the Dems still are dabbling in I'm ignoring them all...

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Science Thursday...

Living Fossil Discovered

The story is about this...but when I read the headline I thought this....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Babs Wants You

To Spend Your Bush Tax Cut On Her!

Donkey sent me over a copy of this email from work. Seems that Barbara Streisand will be in DC at some point for a once in a life time show. She retired a few years back if I am not mistaken..but perhaps she needs some $$ after she sued that environmental guy. Who knows...

To: All Employees
Sent: Tue Jun 13 14:31:47 2006
Subject: Verizon Center Event - Barbara Streisand

Notice has been received that "Barbara Streisand" will be at the Verizon Center on Friday, October 13, 2006, @ TBD. The ticket price is $383.00/ticket. This price includes a $30.00 service charge per ticket. If you are interested in tickets (4 available), please notify me immediately via e-mail. Return message must include
number of tickets requested, ....and payment must be made before tickets will be ordered. Thanks

$383 per ticket?! I don't even think my evil Bush tax cut was enough to cover that... In her ceaseless criticism of the Administration Babs asks....

"With all of the wealth in this country, why do we have schools in low-income neighborhoods that are overcrowded, lack accredited teachers and even lack basic supplies?" (April 4, 2003)

ANSWER: Because otherwise we wouldn't be able to pay to see overpaid celebrities warble about the stage interspersing their classics with timely, insightful political rhetoric. (There isn't even enough camp value here to justify these prices.)



South Florida's secret divorces revealed!

And it doesn't involve Burt Reynolds and Lonnie Anderson. Typical politics isn't it...while getting the voting public all in a lather about "Protecting Marriage" Florida politicians have access to a secret divorce court.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


God and the FMA


God weighs in on the FMA vote....with a sign.


A New Space Race?

Silly China...

Do you really think you can waste more money and loose more space ships than Nasa?

(On a more serious note...pressuring China to allow its currency to appreciate against the dollar will only make them richer...and able to build a more powerful military.)



This is sweet!

But so is this.



Finally Some Good News...

Of course the timing on these things is so suspicious...probably orchestrated to draw attention away from La Coulter....


UN Needs Attention too!

Oh No He Didn't?!

Yes, Mr. Brown, we Midwesterners are all a bunch of rubes that only have critical views of the U.N. because we cannot think critically for ourselves and accept everything we here from Fox News and Rush as gospel truth....It has nothing to do with things like electing Syria to chair the human rights commission, having U.N. workers raping children, or perhaps having the U.N. hire Mr. Anan's son to do some work paid for with Iraqi oil money. Should our government curtail free speech to protect you and the other international bureaucrats from criticism?



The New C Word

Yesterdays News...

Like Medusa, or perhaps some other mytholigical hag, it seems if one talks of her, it only increases her powers. Saying her name seems to give her energy as well..of course I'm talking about Ann Coulter. Funny for about 10 minutes in the mid-1990s and since eclipsed by the younger, even more outrageous Michelle Malkin, Ann is proving yet again, that the ideas that got the GOP majority have been exhausted and all that remains is dogma.

Her attempt at grabbing the spot light this week involves reffering to 9/11 widows as "Harpies", "The Witches of East Brunswick", among the more kind words. These widows crime in her eyes? Asking the government to step up and be accountable and responsive to America's security needs. Asking the government to be accountable...I mean how "Liberal" is that! I agree with this take, she's gone so far over the edge, she's become not only a parody of herself, but curved around into extreme land to join the likes of Micheal Moore, Ted fact perhaps she's even bought herself a ticket to Chomsky-land. I hope she enjoys the trip.

I have never in my life used the "C" word in reference to any member of the fairer sex....I think it applies here....

(Of course again, blogging about her only makes her stronger.....)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Future Planes?

Named After Muppets...

Interesting, if only in concept...and not interesting that the current version of future travel seems to be slower than it is today.

Monday, June 05, 2006



If I only had a dime or two...

Please send me the shrunken head.


FMA Up for Debate

And Even Conservatives Yawn...

How transparent is a political ploy when it doesn't even manage to get your 'base' riled up? I'd say plenty. But kudos to the Senate for scheduling a vote on 06/06/06 and of course we can and should do anything possible to protect us all from Pat Robertson's thighs.

What sad and bitter people.

Friday, June 02, 2006



A Perot Redux?

As I mentioned before, my lack of postings is in part attributable to the fact I'm tired of complaining about the current administration and congressional leadership. While they could still reach out and accomplish something positive...five years and counting seems too long to quote our leader, "Fool me once, shame on you...Fool me twice (awkward pause)..well just don't fool me twice."

The fact that with Iraq still in shambles, spending out of control, New Orleans in ruins, corruption running rampant (both sides of the aisle) Congress will be devoting next week to vote on the MPA...the redux of the failed federal marriage amendment...even conservative bloggers are lamenting the focus on this anti-conservative amendment. Yet I digress....

Instapundit links to this compelling article by Joe Trippi (how bipartisan..and Joe get those teeth bleached!) is intriguing... (Oh course so were other new and exciting movements like the progressives and the national socialists...which both quickly devolved into very base (evil) movements)....

But the bigger issue here and one I find compelling is, Where to now? The Bush Presidency is likely to be a huge-ish failure, voters are turning their backs on the GOP which has totally sold out and remain skeptical of the democrats. A push for a third party would do a lot to re-energize politics in America and for the first time in a while...I am sanguine.


Garden Update


Well, I'm fully one month or so into the great gardening experiment of 2006 and the picture you see to the right is a shot of my lettuce patch. Harvested some of my greens this week for a great salad. Other plantings are doing well...the only thing that didn't take were the spring onions I planted.

But seriously, the lettuce is really, really good!

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